If you need a professional looking logo fast, you really need to check out this video featuring John McWade founder of Before and After. OK, I admit I am a John McWade design groupie, he is always sharing amazing design tips that you don’t have to be a “designer” to make use of. In this video he demonstrates three quick ways to design a logo that non-designers can put use immediately and designers can tuck into their tool box of tricks.
The whole process looked so fun and easy I just had to try it myself and while I was at it I created a FREE PSD template for my quick logo to share. The download link follows the demo.
Design a Logo in 3 Quick and Easy Steps
Step 1. Arrange your text with the most important word or words in the center and make it stand out by making it large. You can also make it bold or use a special font face to. Align the top and bottom text to be equal in width.
Step 2. Enclose the text in a shape – fill it with color and add a border. In this example follows John’s second quick logo variation and only encloses the important text. Play around with the technique – experimenting produced a second shape behind the focal shape and text.
Step 3. Draw a circle around the remaining text and set it behind the focal shape and text. Fill the shape with color and add a border.
That was easy and fun! Try it yourself – Download the Quick Logo PSD Template and pop in your business, event or what ever needs a logo. Don’t be surprised to see me sharing more free templates inspired by John McWade tips, he is my design guru! Check out John’s tips on the Before and After YouTube Channel.
Sue Surdam | Artizon Digital | WordPress Specialist and Social Media Solutions | 503-577-1035
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