Let’s set up the RSS feed for this site. RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication. We will be connecting through Feedburner, http://feedburner.google.com,a Google service that makes it simple to connect to your social media network and for your visitors to sign up to receive your articles by email. Connecting with your users and keeping them up to date with current postings is an important part of developing return users to your website.
Here is how it works: Publish an article in WP and the feed sends it to your email subscribers.
In your dashboard open plugins. Just like i-phones have an app for everything; WP has a plugin for almost everything you want to do with WP.
Click on Add New. Type in FD Feedburner Plugin and click Search Plugins.
Select Install Now. – OK
Activate the plugin.
Open Feedburner Configuration now we are ready to go burn the feed at Feedburner.
Login to Feedburner at http://feedburner.google.com with your Google Account, create one if you don’t have one. Follow the screens to burn your feed.
- Screen 1: Fill in your website address. Click next.
- Screen 2. Pick the Feed option
- Screen 3. Your feed is burned. Copy your new feed address. The address will be http://feeds.feedburner.com/your website address.
- Screen 4. Add Click Throughs and I want more to the Traffic Stats that allow you to measure your general traffic level for your feed.
In your account options set up email subscriptions by clicking the Publicize tab – choose Email Subscriptions – click Activate. This will bring you to screen filled with codes, I will go over in a future tutorial how to use these and customize the notification subscribers receive. For now we will be using a plugin, subscribe /connect/widget, to set up a button for visitors to subscribe to email updates and buttons to connect to Linked In, Facebook, Twitter. Follow our quick tutorial to set up the plugins.
Return to WordPress and paste in the code under Redirect my feeds here: and click save. You’re connected!
Sue Surdam | Artizon Digital | WordPress Specialist and Social Media Solutions | 503-577-1035
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