Introducing Donna Saliter as a guest author. Donna shares great One Minute Tips on her website which has just undergone a design update by Artizon Digital. Head over to her site In Touch Promotions to get more great tips and check out the redesign. Now on with her great tip:
How many Facebook business fan pages have you “liked?” Are they cluttering up your news feed? You can file them into lists to help you keep in touch with your favorites.
Recently I posted a One Minute Tip to help you create a Facebook “Featured Likes” file where you can follow your favorite Facebook business fan pages.
I just found out another cool way to file your Facebook pages, thanks to colleague Sue Surdam at Social Media 101 Artizon Digital see Rick’s Tips: Using Facebook Lists to Target a Post to a Specific Group of Friends.
You’re not limited to putting “friends” into lists. You can file business pages into lists, too. First you have to create a Facebook list. Just how do you create a list in Facebook, anyway? Glad you asked. 🙂
May 15, 2012 – This tip has been updated to reflect the new Facebook news feed menu.
First, go to your personal profile. Unfortunately, you can’t do this yet from your business fan pages (in the immortal words of Chris Berman, “C’mon, Man!”).
Get to your news feed (otherwise known as “Home.” You can see the link for “Home” on the top right of your page).
On the left side of your news feed, you’ll see categories: Pages, Apps, Friends etc. Hover your mouse over the word “Friends,” and you’ll see “More” to the right of “Friends.” Click on “More.”
Click on the “Create List” button on the top right of the lists.
Type the name of the list you want to create on Facebook into the box that pops up.
Click on “Add Friends.”
Now to create a list on Facebook that contains business pages instead of friends, click on the down arrow in the upper left corner where you see “Friends.” Choose “Pages.”
Check the business pages you want to put into your list. Hit “Done” and you’re done!
Since Facebook has debuted their new Interest List feature you will now find your pages list under “Interests”.
Now anytime you’re on your Facebook Home page (also known as your news feed), you can choose that list from the left side of your Home page and you will see the posts of the fan pages you put into that list.
I never knew you could do this, did you?
Donna Saliter, In Touch Promotions, One Minute Tips
Originally posted on: One Minute Tip: Create a Facebook List for the Pages you “Like” | In Touch Promotions.
sonya says
Did facebook remove the lists? or am I blind and can’t see them??? Just wondering if this post was up to date. thanks, sonya
Sue Surdam | Artizon Digital says
Thanks for the heads up – Facebook lists are still there the “List” title is gone in the sidebar. I found my lists by clicking the title “Friends”, that took me to the old list page. I am going to do more research and will update this post as soon as I know that everyone is seeing this and not just a few of us. Facebook often tests new ideas with a sample group, before they commit to making public for everyone.
sonya says
Ah, I see it now! Thanks for your help! 🙂
Alison says
Thank you so much! I had no idea one could make a list of pages rather than friends. Hopefully this will stop the inexorable disappearance of most of my news feed that’s been going on for a couple of months now.
Sue Surdam | Artizon Digital says
Your welcome, that Donna is a clever girl. I love being able to choose what I look at in my news feed with lists.