I find a wealth of good internet marketing articles for Realtors on the Online Dominance Blog hosted by Michael Russer, aka “Mr. Internet”. One that caught my eye recently maintains that active real estate agents are neglecting a huge part of maintaining their social media presence. You would think that might be Facebook, Twitter, or Google+……and you would be wrong, it is blogging!
Blogging is imperative in today’s real estate world, as it drastically helps with your SEO and can be fed to different places including your LinkedIn profile, Facebook profile and Twitter feed. Posting to your blog regularly will also define you as a credible source for community and real estate info in your area. Author – Carrie Gable
Gable offers four keys to building a high quality blog following in 2012:
1. Turn Clients into Readers.
A high quality reader for your blog is someone who is part of your target demographic, values you as source and is likely to share a link to your website with their friends who are in need of your services.
Who would fit that description better than your clients? Gable suggests to always including an invitation with a link to your blog in your email signature and newsletters.
2. Use Descriptive Headlines.
The most effective headlines stay close to topic and accurately describe the content of your article. Gable makes the point that headlines that veer too far from a topic can confuse readers.
3. Speak to Your Audience
Your target audience is interested in reading blog posts that focus on their interests and needs. Pick your topic and zero in on the specifics aspects that provide the knowledge and answers that address your readers’ concerns.
4. Stay Consistent.
Pick a regular posting schedule you can stick with. Regular posting is a key to developing reader loyalty. Even if you can only make two posts a month, make them at regular times. Your readers will come to expect them and anticipate your posts.
Blogging is one of the keys to a successful social media presence. If you are not already doing this regularly, make 2012 the year that you give blogging the priority in your social media campaign that it deserves.
For more blogging tips: Jump Start Your Blog: Simple Blog Post Formula Plus 5 Posting Styles.
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