Keeping up with Facebook’s ever changing policies has just gotten simpler. One of the benefits of Facebook going public is the new Facebook Terms and Policies Hub. At last we have a centralized place to go to for answers to our questions about policies and privacy.
Facebook Terms and Policy Hub Guided Tour
Up until now, if you had a question about privacy you had to click through a maze of links and pages before finding an answer. This clean, easy to navigate page is clearly divided into three major links covering the general Facebook community interaction and a helpful list of links for other activities.
Terms and polices regarding the use of Facebook has always been a matter of faith for most users. Now new and old users can easily access the terms they agree to when they use Facebook from the Statement of Rights and Responsibilities link.
Tip: Click on the Facebook Principles link for an easy read of the principles that make up the foundation of the Facebook community’s rights and responsibilities.
The Data Use Policy page covers privacy, sharing, and security. Use this section to find direct and easy to understand info, including the answer to the often asked question: “Can I keep the account of my deceased love one as a record of their life?”. You will find Facebook’s answer to memorializing accounts under the Some other things you need to know link.
Tip: Under the Interactive Tools link you will find a link to Download your information where you can download a copy of everything you’ve put into Facebook, all in one, easy to browse file.
When we participate in Facebook we become part of a huge global community. Facebook has taken a firm stance on what is not acceptable behavior when connecting in the Community Standards section. Issues such violence, bullying, hate speech, nudity, identity privacy, spam and intellectual property are discussed in this section. Facebook encourages the Reporting Abuse of violations of these standards.
Tip: Reporting content doesn’t guarantee it will be removed. Use your personal controls to hide or cut ties with people, pages or applications that you find offensive.
Additional links For other activity in the right column of the hub, are especially useful for business owners. Details regarding ads and Sponsored Stories, payments, Pages, and branding resources are easy accessed here.
Tip: Questions about Facebook’s Principles, Ads on Facebook, or want to access the Safety Center? You will find the links to the answers under Learn more about in the bottom section.
“Our hope is that this new resources will make our policies more transparent and accessible for the people who use Facebook by offering easy access to answers to specific policy questions ranging from platform to ads to content.” – Spokesperson for Facebook
The Facebook Terms and Policy Hub is one of the best things Facebook has added to date. I know I will be using it to access information. Now that Facebook has made the leap into the public sector, perhaps we can expect more transparency in the future. Take the tour, if for nothing else just to find out what you signed on for when you joined the Facebook community.
Sue Surdam | Artizon Digital | WordPress Specialist and Social Media Solutions | 503-577-1035
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