Could you have written a short novel in the time it took you write your last blog post? Most of us find the process of writing takes much longer that we like, but we don’t know how to writer faster. Daisy Hartwell knows the keys to writing faster. As a professional writer and blogger, she has mastered the skill of fast writing. Her infographic, “15 Amazing Ways to Write Faster: Become a Better Writer in No Time”, is your road map to success. Whether you are a student, blog writer, or anyone who is interested in becoming a better faster writer you can put her tips to work right away.
Read the complete article here:
15 Amazing Ways to Write Faster: Become a Better Writer in No Time
Favorite Daisy Writing Tips
One of my favorite tips was checking your live typing speed. When was the last you took a typing test? Maybe high school? I can type a whopping 41 words per minute. What about you? Check out your speed at this Daisy recommended site: – Test Your Typing Speed in 60 seconds
Another tip I liked was putting on headphones to minimize distractions. I have always wanted to be able to write at a coffee shop, but the noise is just wrecks my concentration. I know that many people perform better with that ambient noise but not me. Next time I need a change from my office, I am going to try this tip!
You will find many more great tips and articles on the Custom Writing website: Custom Writing. Take some time and explore the site. While you are there check out the Custom Writing offerings, they aren’t just for students. Their offerings include professionally written articles and PowerPoint slideshows, making them a handy resource for business too.
Thanks for sharing this article. Good work